Our selection process is targeted and intensive, designed to select a diverse group of young people who will benefit from our leadership development program.
We strive to select a group of students that reflects the demographics of each metropolitan area we serve.
- Boys and Girls
- No more than 40% from one segment of the population
- 95% qualify for free or reduced lunch
- 85% first generation to attend college

High potential seventh grade students are nominated by C5 community partners: 7th grade teachers, guidance counselors and youth-focused agencies across Metro Atlanta. Students nominated for the program must meet the following criteria.
- B (+/-) average in school
- Motivated to succeed
- Leadership potential
- Limited family income ($10,000 per year/per family member or below)
- Limited community resources
In the fall of each year, approximately 150 – 200 high potential 7th graders are nominated to participate in C5 Georgia. Students complete a competitive application process and are selected and notified before the end of their 7th year of school. Each new C5 Georgia cohort typically consists of 50 – 70 participants.

Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors and donors, the C5 program is made available at no cost to teens selected to participate.