The C5 Georgia program is a holistic, year-round experience that helps teens reach their full potential. Throughout the school year and during our signature summer experiences, we focus on 5 core areas.

Our Program core areas
ACT Now 2024 (9)

Our 5-Year Journey

C5 Georgia starts at the end of 7th grade and continues year-round through high school graduation.

5-Year Journey Graphic
New pathway graphic

Outdoor Education

Experience the C5 Difference

We make teens challenge ready! The C5 Georgia outdoor education program fosters leadership development, physical fitness, and self-confidence. Outdoor adventures teach teens to overcome their fears and accomplish what appears to be an insurmountable feat.

Connecting to nature improves a youth’s:

  • Cognitive and social development
  • Academic performance
  • Independence
  • Mental and emotional well-being

C5 Georgia challenges our students to embrace new opportunities and grow. Our immersive experiences produce inner confidence to overcome future obstacles in college, work, and their personal life.

“ Teens who feel a connection with the natural world are happier, healthier, and smarter.” - Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods

Outdoor Ed round

C5 Georgia's Outdoor Education Experiences

Lantern last day (5)

Leadership Camp

Immersive, residential camp in the North Georgia Mountains.

Lantern Trek (13)

Treks (Hiking)




BOLD (3)

Nature Walks

Metro Atlanta Parks

23FIS (13)

Community Service

Metro Atlanta